Lintek na ITPro to, pahamak sa Sabado Nights KO!

forced to blog...*sniff*

Saturday, October 28, 2006

... Last na pahirap sa ITPro ...

1. what 3 major lessons you learned from this course.

I have learned a lot when i took my ITPro class. I already have an idea that the teacher would be "exciting" and at the same time can be a "spawn from...".

- I did learn from this course that you do not know everything. I thought i already knew how to navigate my way through the Windows operating system, but i realized there can be different ways to do that. I was pretty confident with my skills in Office applications like Excel, Powerpoint. Until i encountered the 7 modules. It was terrible, I barely passed some of the exams and even failed in some of them. I have always kept an open mind, learn new things, and sometimes you do need to go back to the basics to learn more stuff.

- This course has a lot of requirements and i had a hard time working on them. I have 3 jobs(my day job, my teaching job, moonlighting) and for some inexplicable reason, i took this my masters. Im very busy, but i never realized I still had the energy and commitment to finish the requirements. My team/classmates helped me get through this hell, always saying, "hey, we enrolled this subject, lets try to finish what we started".

- I have never given much thought about blogging but now, well, i have a blog for my masters, and a spinoff for other stuff. Actually, i link my spinoff to my masters so some guys would read it. I alreay installed a traffic counter, and because of my posts, i got a lot of hits even from outside the country.

2. what new topics should be taught in this course.

Im not really sure if we need new topics as of now, but i guess, for more enrichment, add more cases and exercises. Maybe if there are new technologies to discuss, probably.

3. what improvements should be done for this course.

I the class has no IT background, it is a good idea to give more background on some cases or give extra assistance so they will at least have an idea what theyre getting into.

Friday, October 27, 2006

... BSOD ...

Microsoft is about to release Windows Vista for business users... professional edition...maybe, im not sure though. As you know, the guys from Redmond always has a way of developing versions or editions. I heard that the edition for "regular users" would be released early next year.

A new version is always nice...pretty exciting for everyone, but one hell of a problem for developers. New versions mean compatibility tests for existing products, if its not compatible, the worse thing is developing the product from scratch (ack!)

Anyway, need to get some sleep, big day tomorrow.

Monday, October 23, 2006

... slacker, ugh ...

... slacker, ugh ...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

... marketing strategy ...

LetHarGic BasTard... *burp*: ... marketing strategy ...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

best "under construction" message

LetHarGic BasTard... *burp*

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

... die die die ...

Check this out....

LetHarGic BasTard... *burp*

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

... sigh ...

what can i say...? wafa ako uyab no...? waheheheh *grin*

aaahh... she is no "ordinary" girl...dba *bleep*?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

... walang himala....walang HIMALAAAA...

would you believe na early kami na dismiss sa IT Pro...?!?!?!?! wahehehhe... pero kapalit naman nun e sangkatutak na case study!!!

anak ng teteng naman oo... case study na naman...we have three weeks to waste for this case... ewan ko lang kung kelan kami magsisimula... *smirk*

... sick ...

i cant decide if i want to come to class tonight or not. my tonsils are swollen, i got a fever, i'm coughing like my lungs are going to burst... and im hungry...

i got a feeling Mr. Ruero is going ballistic again tonight...IF my classmates have not updated their blog entries yet. and i do not want to spend 5 hours sitting on the lab trying to comment on entries about IT outsourcing and the results on the freakin modules...

"Yey, i got 95% on Access"

try to comment on that me out... can you think of something deep and profound about that entry?

"To Outsource or not to Outsource"

how bout that one...? im sure you can think about a lot things to write, but try to do that...say about 10 times... for blogs that were not updated...???


...stuck on the 15th floor in middle of the freakin storm...

i never thought/imagined/fantasized myself that im right in the middle of a storm, a big one at that. it happened last week, i experienced the fury...FURY...of Milenyo. i got a good view on whats happening. i got to see 2 cars got crushed by the Bonifacio Stopover signboard (too bad)...i saw a lot of steel sheets flying around, hitting the glass windows on other condo units...tenants frantically trying to seal the windows...or whatever they were trying to do...

i read from a book that if the eye of the storm passes your area, be careful because the wind will change direction...i saw that for the first time...and wow...a lot of things got uprooted...billboards, roofs, trees...even a truck rolled over...

...and the power went out...*applause*

oh by the way, we went out that same night, looking for a place to eat...we practically toured the whole of metro lights...until we spotted Shangrila resto...somewhere in QC i think. whew!